Nanowrimo Daily Encouragement.

Just a little quick question/poll/show of hands:

Last year I did a thing for NaNoWriMo where I posted a bit of encouragement for each day of the contest to help those participating with trying to get through their first draft.

Is that something you folks would like to see again this year? I know it’s still a few months off, but I could begin planning ahead for the trek early.

Okay. I don’t know if I’ve done a poll on WordPress before, but if this fails, forgive me. Or not, I’m not your daddy.

This will run for a week and then we’ll see what happens. Good luck! I hope you win! Oh, it’s not that type of poll.


A Suggestion To Change Rating Systems.

ESRB(1)The current rating system in place for media needs to change. It is subjective to the opinions of a select few and uses an archaic formula for evaluation.

How many times have you watched a movie that someone said was terrible but you thought was great? Alternatively, have you read a book and enjoyed but someone else could not finish? On the other hand, how many times have you put money on a new video game because the hype superseded the actual game-play itself while fun little games which didn’t get excellent review scores sit uninstalled in your virtual library?

Websites such as metacritic and other aggregate sites have a great idea, but in the end fail the consumer due to internal preconceived notions about what is good and what is not. This isn’t anyone’s fault, and it is not something anyone can change. It is an environmental factor from where and how someone learned and grew up in society. For example: a title with an 75 percent, which is average thanks to how Americans think of the grading system, find itself being picked over to titles with 90 or higher, which should have the highest amount of polish and depth, however many do not.

Rating and grading media falls ultimately into the hands of humans, and humans make mistakes because we are infallible. I think it is time to change the way we rate and grade media. Honestly, I think Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel had it right back in 1975 with their “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” mentality instead of trying to give numerical data to titles.

What I want to see is a new grading scale that removes the numbers and letters from reviews altogether, grading at either a YES or NO ranking on whether the title is worth the money, and then list the reasons why. This gives the readers either a BUY or DO NOT BUY option, and then if they choose, a more detailed list of why the author chose their opinion.

The details of these two Boolean values offer far more simple truth in reviews, and removes any preconceived notions the end reader uses on their own part for evaluating not only what is an excellent title, but fell short due to some marketing campaign, or something else out of the hands of the end-user.

This also removes the strange values embedded within the system for what is excellent and what is average, only leaving a buy or not, leaving the rest of the major discussion points of detail in the article for why the reviewer feels this way, which in my eyes, is a more fair and balanced review.

This way it helps the end-user have a much more educated opinion about the product at hand and does not force the reviewer to “grade” the media, instead focusing on whether it is worth the cost asked for the product – something much more meaningful to everyone. For example, Battlefield 4 is an excellent game TODAY, however when it first came out, it was unplayable on many systems due to the bugs. Critics still gave it high marks “due to potential and the history.” However, if Tim Schaeffer released this product in that state; different story and he would not develop another game.

I’m not saying this fixes all the problems in the industry as a whole, just how perception and user interaction within media itself works.

Any thoughts? (Comments are open – please say what you’d like.)

New Site

new-hope-luke-skywalker-funny-starwars-artwork-1920x1080Hey there, I wanted to post something to let everyone know that I’m not dead yet.

I know, I know, all the hired guns from you people suck. But really, stop going on craigslist to get hitmen. You’re just asking for trouble.

Anyways, I wanted to let you know that I created a new site specifically for the writing side of things to separate the author/blogging/writing tips away from the more mundane personal insane stuff that I tend to talk about here.

The new writer site is live here:

Granted, there isn’t much there now, but I’ll work on spiffing that site up to the best author site for my brand in the upcoming days and dedicate this page for the rest of the garbage that spills out of my mind.

I noticed after the banning of my ID’s that this site has been around for over three years, with over 300 posts, and has been hacked just over 25 times – so I think it’s time to make something a bit more secure and me.

However, with health, school, family, and all the rest of the stuff going on, I’m not going to kill myself over it, so it may take a bit to get up and running full speed. So if there’s anything you’d like to see change on that page or on here, please let me know.

I also plan on making a dedicated writer page on all the social media outlets, like facebook, twitter, tumblr, and the like, and I’ll post all those updates when they happen. Right now I’m working on just making them work.

Anyway, it’s live, and I can breathe, so that’s two steps further than I was yesterday.



funny-Grumpy-cat-ban-people1It’s funny how something innocent and innocuous to one person can piss off someone else.

Case in point: Whenever I write an article; whether it’s a review, an opinion piece, or otherwise, I know the best way to have people find out about the work is to advertise. I’ve mentioned before on this site that I am not the great at self-promotion. However, I have a handful of avenues I tend to broadcast new streams of data through when something of mine becomes available to the wild. Other than the common Facebook, Google+, and Twitter streams, I also go to my favorite new aggregate sites such as Digg, Reddit, MacRumors, and sites such as those since I know that’s what they do: scour the internet for new and interesting news and opinion articles for others to read.

I’ve also mentioned that I write articles for The site caters to people running the OSX operating system who wish to know more about video games. We ran a few pieces at the year-end (as did the every other game site) and published the story to the standard news venues.

A reader send me a message on Reddit stating he couldn’t read the entry because I was “shadowbanned” from the site for spamming too many links. After looking around the site, I noticed most of the links and comments I’d made in the past few months were never seen for the same reason. I googled the term and found out that someone reported my handle for spamming.

At first I was confused. I don’t spam anything. I write for fun and enjoyment of the art itself. The sites I work for don’t choke readers with ads or any type of threatening malware or known issues with the sites, so I did the proper thing on Reddit and emailed an admin asking why I was shadowbanned and what would it take to become un-shadowbanned. The response was roughly “because I submit links people find repetitive or annoying, I am blocked from submitting links.”

This from a site where the entire point is to take content from other places and vote on it for imaginary points.

So now I’m in pissed mode. Until I get an email from an admin at Digg: “Dear DrChrisTallant. Your account is blocked from submitting links to our site due to the overwhelming amount of misleading content from original sources.”

Which makes me believe I was hacked. I only submit links for my work using titles of the articles themselves, nothing more. I’ve never written an article about Bit.Trip Void and submitted the link to Digg or Reddit calling it “Hot Brittney Montana MILF Triplet XXX Game” or anything of the site.

I log on Digg with my ID to check my submitted links, and sure enough, the only links there are the ones I’ve submitted which are all video game related. Logging on to Reddit reveals the same scenario.

Now I’m just confused. I’m at the point where I just want to say screw it all because dealing with this nightmare is a pain in the ass, but I know the people on Digg and Reddit honestly enjoy reading these articles. The alternative is making a new name and account to re-submit all the articles to the sites.

What I believe happened is someone is simply trolling me because they either don’t like me or don’t like the way I write. Which is fine, but bring it up with me face to face, not hiding behind some terminal screen somewhere. If you honestly don’t like me, fly your punk ass to Detroit and look me straight in the eye and let’s settle this the way normal people settle things:

Over a video game death match. You choose the game.


Stress, problems, and more stress.

Stress_ThinkingLife is a tricky balancing act between insanity and necessary tasks.

Between Canada shoveling their show slightly south on us, and random issues going on with myself, I haven’t had much time to sit down and write. I’ll try to make a list, but I’ll warn you now, brain is fried.

My MacBook Pro (the big expensive one) I use for all my writing and school work will no longer hold a charge because the MagSafe port shorted out. When I went downstairs to my workbench, I noticed some strange streaking down the front of the monitor and saw a puddle underneath the laptop. What apparently happened is one of the kids (I assume one of the twins) dropped one of their sippy cups full of juice down by the heat register and the juice seeped down between the cracks and dripped down enough to agitate the power cable. The rest of the computer is working great, except it won’t charge. When I called AppleCare, they had me set an appointment for the Apple Store in Detroit. It’s not actually *in* Detroit, more like an hour north, but I obliged and took my laptop there. After the tech (who knows some of the Apple engineers I work with, small world, eh?) told me it would have to be sent out to the Apple Depot and prices for liquid damage start at $1,100 for logic board replacement, I decided to order the parts and do it myself.

At home, I logged on Amazon and ordered the DC MacSafe switch for my i7 processor model MacBook Pro, and now I wait for it to arrive so I can replace the part and hope that’s all that’s damaged internally.

Funny, when something you use every day is no longer there to keep you company, it’s like the first week of living with a cast on your arm or with crutches – trying to re-learn how to do everyday tasks is a chore.

Next up is the sickness: everyone except my oldest son has some sort of sniffles or flu. I’m plagued with this post-nasal drip and accompanying cough with gives me the helpful migraines and shortness of breath I know and love. I should stop smoking, especially with this cold weather, which I’ll get to in a bit, but none of it helps the overall mood. My daughter is sniffling and coughing up phlegm, the twins don’t have fevers anymore but still have the hacking cough when they run too much and become overheated. My wife is doing better but still needs the inhaler to catch her breath and maybe a glass of wine with the body aches. I spoke with my neighbor over the weekend and she said her household had a case of the flu that had everyone out for the count around Christmas, so the bugs and viruses are still active and kicking booties.

Next up is the weather: I live just north of Detroit. If you’ve seen the movie 8 Mile with Eminem, I’m a few miles north. Looking at a map, we’re geographically north of Canada. Here’s a little trivia for you: In the Journey song Don’t Stop

detroit_mapBelievin’, the verse Steve Perry sings “Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit.” (Journey, 1981) South Detroit doesn’t exist. There is a southwest Detroit, but south of Detroit is Windsor, Ontario. The point is this: in winter it gets very cold. Add in the fact that we’re surrounded by water and there’s a small body of water every 30 miles or so (more frequent in certain areas), and the winds and snow become unbearable.

Yesterday, I shoveled a significant amount of snow each time I went outside. Maybe 8-9 times I shoveled the porch, walk, sidewalk, and driveways of me and my neighbor. With all the back problems I’ve had in the past (large cysts around my spinal column), this snow doesn’t help. The wind came in last night around 11pm or midnight and dropped the temperature well below zero, making standing outside making one question why one lives in a desolate wasteland. It doesn’t matter if the new Superman and Batman movies are filmed here with Transformers, even Superman would fly back to Smallville with a shrunken package. This week, the windchill makes temperatures me and chewsbetween -20 to -40 with strong winds, making the snow drifts worse than they already are. Right now, the snow is up to my bumpers without the wind helping. The side door of my house can’t open thanks to the drifts, so I’m glad most of the schools decided to cancel classes. I’m surprised in situations like this that they don’t offer an online option. (Yes, that’s me with Chewy. It’s his first time in the snow and I think he believed he was Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer with Snowballs on his, well, you know.)

I’m also in the middle of writing a handful of different stories and reviews. I have two short stories in first draft form for an anthology with a writing group for the Round Table podcast. The problem is I typically don’t write this genre of fiction, so I’m testing the waters with different stories and for some reason they keep getting stranger, which I don’t mind. I plan on submitting them all, or maybe having my wife read them and tell me which one she enjoys the most and submitting that one for the project. For the month of January, I want to write a total of 30,000 words in fiction, so this blog won’t count unless I want to cheat, but I’d only cheat myself, and there’s no point in doing that. The project which I’ve mentioned before involved sexy funny and violent stories, and mixing the three is the challenge. Getting into that mindset is the difficult part, since I’m normally funny and sexy, just not violent.

I’ve also been neglecting this blog, which I feel is something I beat myself up for more than I should, which in turn hurts my depression, which tumbles down to making everything spin into a downward spiral. I stop eating, I stop writing, I lose sleep, I get cranky, and I just generally shut myself off from the world and my brain eats itself alive for some stupid reason. Add in the problems with the MacBook, the snow, the stress from being sick, work ramping up, writing deadlines, and trying to get words on a page when all I want to do is stare out the window, depression is the biggest part of my lack of writing anything. So for that, I apologize.

Add in the fact that I start my advanced SQL class Wednesday, it doesn’t help the stress factor.

I may do a few free-writing exercises on here to help get the creative juices flowing and see how they go, but be warned: it’ll be rough and most likely will not make much sense.

Now it’s time to publish this and get back to work. My meeting is almost over.


Steam Winter Sale Day 14

Today is my birthday, so while I watch the Winter Classic in Ann Arbor, Michigan between the Detroit Red Wings and Toronto Maple Leafs flick snow at each other on the outside rink made on the surface of the Big House, here’s today’s amazing Steam sales!

Games of interest: Civilization V, Walking Dead Season 2, and Natural Selection 2, among others. (Note: Test Drive Ultimate was originally in the place of Natural Selection 2, however Valve ran out of keys and replaced it with Natural Selection 2. If you still want TDU2, you can buy it for the listed 75% off and receive a key when they get more from the publisher. As such, the prices for USD and EUR reflect Natural Selection 2.)

Daily Deals

Meta Trading PCGW
Title Disc. $USD EUR€ £GBP $AUD score Platform cards article
Hammerwatch 66% $3.39 €3.05 £2.37 $3.39 72 Win/OSX/Lin Yes Yes
You Need A Budget 75% $14.99 €12.49 £7.49 $14.99 N/A Win/OSX No No
The Walking Dead Season Two 25% $18.74 €17.24 £14.24 $18.74 N/A Win/OSX No Yes
Valdis Story 75% $3.74 €3.49 £2.99 $3.74 N/A Win Yes No
Just Cause 2 80% $2.99 €2.99 £1.99 $2.99 84 Win No Yes
Natural Selection 2 90% $2.49 €2.49 £3.74 $4.99 72 Win No Yes
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition 66% $10.19 €9.51 £8.49 $10.19 N/A Win No Yes
Civilization V 75% $7.49 €7.49 £4.99 $17.49 90 Win/OSX Yes Yes
Castle Story 33% $13.39 €12.75 £10.04 $13.39 N/A Win? No Yes

Note: If two prices for Euros they are EU region one and two, respectively.

*Indicates pack with some games with multiplatform support and some without.

Title Disc. $USD EUR€ £GBP $AUD Score Platform Cards Article
Rayman Legends 50% $19.99 €14.99 £12.49 $17.49 89 Win No Yes
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 75% $7.49 €4.99 £3.74 $7.49 84 Win No Yes
Interstellar Marines 66% $5.09 €9.37 £8.03 $5.09 N/A Win/OSX No Yes
Legends of Grimrock 80% $2.99 €2.19 £2.39 $2.99 82 Win/OSX No Yes

Title Disc. $USD EUR€ £GBP $AUD Score Platform Cards Article
VVVVVV 90% $0.49 €0.49 £0.39 $0.49 81 Win/OSX/Lin No Yes

*Indicates pack with some games with multiplatform support and some without.

Useful Links



My site: 2013 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for DrChris.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,500 times in 2013. If it were a cable car, it would take about 25 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

(Or my MAD cut and paste skills . . .):

Crunchy numbers

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,500 times in 2013. If it were a cable car, it would take about 25 trips to carry that many people.

In 2013, there were 98 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 289 posts. There were 98pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 11 MB. That’s about 2 pictures per week.

The busiest day of the year was November 5th with99 views. The most popular post that day was Nano Four: Depression.

Attractions in 2013

These are the posts that got the most views in 2013. You can see all of the year’s most-viewed posts in your Site Stats.

Some of your most popular posts were written before 2013. Your writing has staying power! Consider writing about those topics again.

How did they find you?

Some visitors came searching, mostly for quickest way to die, children in transitions, mike holmes annoying, and messy eating.

Where did they come from?

That’s 59 countries in all!
Most visitors came from The United States. The United Kingdom & Canada were not far behind.

Who were they?

Your most commented on post in 2013 was Nano Seven – RESTART MODE.

These were your 5 most active commenters:

Perhaps you could follow their blog or send them a thank you note?

New story idea.

I’m working on a new story for an anthology and the guidelines given are “sexy and violent.” The sad thing is these are two areas I’m not prolific when it comes to writing. I can do one or the other, just both both.

After reading what others suggested during an online brainstorming session, the other thing that stuck out among the rest was humor.

Now funny I can deliver in spades, except I’m not sure how to make funny-sexy or funny-violent since I’m not entirely sure how the three paths cross.

After looking through tvtropes for an eternity, I came across some excellent ideas for future stories, however none of them excelled in any of the three main topics. When I hear sexy, violent, and funny, the first thing that pops in my head is the tv show Archer, but I don’t feel like ripping off an existing IP for any reason, I’d rather this come from the ideas I can work with. So I may stick to my own normal wheelhouse and work the sexy, violent, funny (SFV) trope into something I’m used to working within:
-urban fantasy,
-science fiction,

And go from there.. I still have some older ideas I could probably work with, however every free writing session I’ve started so far ended up either too dark for sexy, or too sexy for anything else.

Balance is difficult when the brain has no roadmap to work with. I may need to plot this out a bit more than other projects.


Steam Winter Sale Day 8

Kind of surprised that Steam doesn’t have a boxing game available on their store today, but come to think of it, there’s only two boxing games I remember. Also, after looking at some of the prices, double check on steam…some of the prices I had to correct for the US …so everything listed in the U.S. prices I had to change. Prices listed for other countries may be incorrect. (updated: 3pm EST for the rest of the global prices)

Anyway, Happy Boxing Day!

Here’s today’s sales, I recommend Wargame: AirLand Battle if you enjoy deep strategy games.

Daily Deals

Meta Trading PCGW
Title Disc. $USD EUR€ £GBP $AUD score Platform cards article
NBA 2K14 50% $14.99 €14.99 £14.99 $24.99 N/A Win No No
DmC: Devil May Cry 75% $12.49 €9.99 £7.49 $12.49 85 Win Yes Yes
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 66% $5.09 €5,09/3,73 £4.07 $5.09 72 Win/OSX Yes Yes
Wargame: Airland Battle 75% $9.99 €9.99 £7.49 $9.99 80 Win Yes Yes
Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition 80% $5.99 €5.99 £3.99 $9.98 85 Win No Yes
Killing Floor 75% $4.99 €4.49/€3,74 £3.74 $4.99 72 Win/OSX/Linux Yes Yes
Gone Home 66% $6.79 €6.45 £5.09 $6.79 86 Win/OSX/Linux Yes Yes
Hotline Miami 80% $1.99 €1.69 £1.39 $1.99 85 Win/OSX/Linux Yes Yes
Anno 2070 75% $7.49 €7.49 £4.99 $8.73 83 Win No Yes

Note: If two prices for Euros they are EU region one and two, respectively.

*Indicates pack with some games with multiplatform support and some without.

Title Disc. $USD EUR€ £GBP $AUD Score Platform Cards Article
Lost Planet 3 75% $12.49 9,99€ £7.49 $12.49 61 Win Yes No
UnEpic 50% $3.99 3,49€ £2.99 $3.99 68 Win Yes No
Bastion 85% $2.24 2,09€ £1.71 $2.24 86 Win/OSX/Linux Yes Yes
The Cave 75% $3.74 3,49€ £2.99 $4.98 68 Win/OSX/Linux No Yes

Title Disc. $USD EUR€ £GBP $AUD Score Platform Cards Article
Tower Wars 75% $1.99 1,74€/1,49€ £1.49 $1.99 59 Win/OSX Yes No

*Indicates pack with some games with multiplatform support and some without.

Thank you to /u/unhi for tabulating the flash sales, cutting cut down time spent copying data.

Thanks /u/randomstranger454
